How To Boost Glory Rank In Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is a popular video game that has been enjoyed by millions of people around the world. But if you’re not enjoying your time on the battlefield, there’s a good chance things aren’t going well for you in terms of ranking. Rank is important in Destiny 2, as it affects everything from how many resources you can find to the quality of gear you can equip. So how do you boost your glory rank? In this blog post, we will show you how to rank up quickly and enjoy all the benefits that comes with it. From obtaining better gear to unlocking new areas of the game, read on to learn everything you need to know to boost your glory rank in Destiny 2 Read More

5 Best Weapon Leveling Tips in D2

In Destiny 2, weapons are everything. They’re your main form of offense and defense, and they come in all shapes and sizes. So, if you want to be the best Guardian you can be, you’re going to need to know how to level up your weapons fast. 

The Importance of Weapon Leveling in D2

In order to progress through the game and survive against tougher enemies, it is important to keep your weapons up-to-date. Here are a few tips on how to level up your weapons in D2:

  1. Use the most powerful weapon you can find or afford for every situation.
  2. Use higher quality materials when crafting or upgrading your weapons.
  3. Focus on leveling up one specific weapon at a time rather than trying to upgrade all of your weapons simultaneously.
  4. Take advantage of weapon experience bonuses whenever possible, such as by completing certain challenges or wearing certain gear.
  5. Keep your weapons in good condition by regularly cleaning and maintaining them.

Destiny 2 Weapon Leveling System

In Destiny 2, your weapons will level up as you use them. The higher the level of your weapon, the more damage it will do. There are a few different ways to level up your weapons: Read More